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Here's Why You Should Never Ignore Vaginal Dryness

Hormonal changes — whether from menopause, childbirth, or something else — can trigger vaginal dryness. Decreased vaginal moisture often makes sexual intercourse uncomfortable, but the symptoms don’t stop there. 

Vaginal dryness is a common problem, yet up to 90% of women living with vaginal discomfort don’t seek treatment. You might think it’s embarrassing to bring up at the doctor’s office, but you should never ignore vaginal dryness or the itching and pain that come with it.

Board-certified OB/GYN A. Michael Coppa, MD, and our team offer compassionate care and treatment that works to relieve the symptoms of vaginal dryness. There’s no need to suffer in silence any longer.

Vaginal dryness causes unpleasant side effects

Estrogen, one of the major female hormones, plays an important role in vaginal health. When you’re young, your vagina has a thin layer of moisture that makes sexual intercourse more comfortable and keeps the tissue inside your vagina lubricated.

But as you get older, estrogen levels drop. There’s less moisture in your vagina, and tissue begins to change. Your vaginal walls get thinner and less flexible, which can add to discomfort during sex and in daily life.

Vaginal dryness often makes sexual intercourse painful. This can have a significant impact on your life, decrease your sex drive, and negatively affect your relationship with your partner and your own self-esteem. 

But painful intercourse isn’t the only side effect of vaginal dryness. For many women, vaginal dryness is uncomfortable all the time. Burning, itching, and irritation are common issues that affect your quality of life, even if you aren’t concerned about your sex life.

Vaginal dryness is most common during and after menopause, with up to half of postmenopausal women experiencing it. 

But it doesn’t just happen later in life. Childbirth, extreme stress, and other health conditions can trigger hormonal changes that affect vaginal moisture levels.

Vaginal dryness is treatable

You should never ignore vaginal dryness. There’s no reason to live with the unpleasant symptoms it causes. Vaginal dryness is treatable, and Dr. Coppa can offer a range of solutions to make you more comfortable. 

For vaginal dryness caused by temporary hormonal changes, such as childbirth or breastfeeding, we may recommend over-the-counter water-based lubricants.

When vaginal dryness is the result of menopause, hormone replacement therapy may be a good treatment option. Hormone replacement therapy works to balance your hormone levels, which can improve vaginal moisture and your interest in sex.

If you have vaginal dryness, avoid chemical products that can irritate vaginal tissue and make the symptoms of dryness worse. Such products include douches, spermicidal condoms, and other spermicidal products. 

Don’t put up with vaginal dryness. Call us today or request your first appointment using our online tool. We have offices in Cranston, Smithfield, and Providence, Rhode Island.

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