How to Prepare for Birthing Multiples

Finding out you’re pregnant is exciting and perhaps a little nerve-wracking. But finding out that you’re expecting multiples (like twins or triplets) can be downright shocking.
Twins make up about three in every 1,000 births in the United States. For triplets, that number drops to about one in every 4,000 births, and even less for quadruplets and more.
Having multiples might not seem that common, but the likelihood of having more than one baby has increased over time. And your chances of birthing multiple babies increases if you use fertility treatments.
Preparing for one new baby can feel overwhelming. Add in another baby (or two), and you might be left wondering where to start.
A Michael Coppa, MD, and our team specialize in high-risk obstetrics for women pregnant with multiples. We’re here to help you get the best care before, during, and after those babies are born.
Find a trusted obstetrician specializing in high-risk pregnancies
A pregnancy is identified as high-risk if the mother or fetus(es) are at a higher risk for complications before, during, or after labor and delivery. Having more than one baby at a time comes with additional risks, and you’re considered high-risk if you’re carrying multiples.
Dr. Coppa provides comprehensive obstetric care for women with high-risk pregnancies. You can expect more frequent prenatal appointments, additional testing during pregnancy, and extra attention as your due date approaches to ensure you and your babies stay as healthy as possible.
Keep up with your prenatal appointments
Prenatal appointments are essential for all pregnant women. At every appointment, Dr. Coppa checks your health and monitors your baby’s development.
If you’re expecting multiples, your prenatal appointments help prevent complications and address issues if they arise.
Being pregnant with multiples could increase your risk of other pregnancy complications, including gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Dr. Coppa monitors your health closely during pregnancy. He may recommend additional testing or more frequent prenatal appointments to protect your health and the health of your babies.
Be prepared for early labor
A full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks. Babies are born prematurely (before 37 weeks) in more than half of twin pregnancies. For triplets and other multiples, your chance of premature birth is nearly 100%.
Learn to recognize the signs of early labor, including:
- Regular contractions
- Abdominal cramps
- Dull backache
- Sensation of pelvic pressure
- Water breaking
It’s not uncommon for women pregnant with multiples to be put on bedrest starting around week 30. Start preparing for the arrival of your babies early in your pregnancy, and get all the diapers and other supplies you need well before your due date.
Enlist help from friends and family
Having a new baby changes your life, and having multiples often means double the fun and double the work. Don’t be afraid to ask family members and friends for help as your due date approaches.
Whether you need help getting the nursery ready or you want your freezer stocked with quick dinners, your loved ones can take some of that extra stress off your plate.
Reach out to other parents of multiples. Look for local support groups or groups on social media where you can ask questions and learn from parents of multiples who have more experience than you do.
If you’re expecting more than one bundle of joy, put your trust in Dr. Coppa and our obstetric team. Schedule a consultation online or call the office nearest you to set up an appointment. We’re located in Cranston, Providence, and Smithfield, Rhode Island.
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